Organizational Trust

Aligning what you say to what you do

What is Organizational Trust

“Trust is like the air we breathe – when it's present, nobody really notices; when it's absent, everybody notices.” Warren Buffet

Organizational trust is a human sentiment that consists of your employee’s belief or confidence in the organization to do what they say.

Identifying Trust. What is the level of trust that exists within your organization? Are you sure? Most organizations overestimate the level of trust that exists as leadership uses antidotal insight gathered from their own experience vs actual human sentiment data.

Measuring Trust. Organizational trust can be measured at the Organizational Level, by location, team or even individual demographics. Want to know how? Watch this video.

Human Sentiment Analytics

Olumo is a Human Sentiment analytics platform and delivers real time insights in to how your people are thinking and feeling.

Learn more about how Olumo can help.

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