Workplace Mental Health

Identifying the right actions

The Cost

“The economic costs of mental illness will be more than cancer, diabetes, and respiratory ailments put together.” –Director, U.S. National Institute of Mental Health

Every organization is affected by the mental health of their people. According to the (CDC), depression causes an estimated 200 million lost workdays each year at the cost of $17 billion to $44 billion to employers and this is just the beginning. Organizations are dramatically increasing spending to increase mental heath resources but are they having the intended impact.

Employee Listening. Your employees understand their needs. By asking in a safe and confidential way they will guide you to taking the right actions based on what they actually need vs what you think they may need.

Nearly 9 in 10 employees report that their workplace stress affects their mental health.

In order to make great decisions you need real time insight. Olumo engages with your people in anonymous conversations via a simple text to listen and learn about their experience at work. We then translate what we learn into actionable insights to drive your decision making.

Learn more about how Olumo can help.

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